My New Work Space

March 22, 2008

My Work Space
Originally uploaded by ScruffyNerf.

This is currently the space that I am using to do my homework – and other computer-based stuff. My husband and I threw out our living room furniture this morning. We successfully purchased a new sofa and over-sized chair (with two ottomans). I am sitting on the old, orange ottoman that you see in the picture doing homework waiting for the delivery. I am a bit amazed that we actually bought new furniture today at around 2:50PM and that it will be delivered sometime tonight. It could be as late as midnight, but it will come. Wow!

Meanwhile, I can say that this set up is not optimal. My back is killing me. Did you notice my laundry basket full of school work? This is the sacred repository for all of my paperwork relating to my research project. I’m not really sure how it ended up in this basket, but am pleasantly surprised by how well it works to contain my supporting documents. Hopefully, the new furniture will help to conceal the laundry basket from general view.