A Degree Awarded

June 12, 2008

Degree Awarded
Originally uploaded by ScruffyNerf.


I’ve been eagerly logging into SCSU’s administrative portal to check my transcript since grades were released in early June. Today, was the first time I noticed that there was information in the Degrees Awarded section. A Master of Library Science degree was awarded on May 23, 2008. This makes me feel like I have accomplished something! I know that the actual degree itself won’t show up before September. But, I was wondering how I would know that everything was processed correctly on the school’s end. Now, I know. 🙂

Any Suggestions for Visiting Seattle?

June 3, 2008

It looks as if I am going to be going to Seattle for web development training (for our new content management system) in mid July. My husband and I are thinking of making a vacation out of the trip. I’m remarkably unfamiliar with the area – my trip last year to Las Vegas was the only time I’ve been out west. So, I thought I’d ask if anyone had any suggestions for must-see places to visit on a trip to Seattle?????? What should we plan to do? I definitely need to find something for my husband to do for the three days that I am in training.